Your Brain is an AI: How to Hack Your Thoughts and Unlock Your Full Potential
Train Your Brain Like AI: How to Master Your Thoughts
60,000 possible thoughts per day through the five senses.
Thoughts become memories when we focus on them.
Let’s understand this with an example: A normal human sees, hears, or feels 60,000 different things throughout a day. We don’t remember every single thing.
We only focus on a limited of these thoughts. These thoughts become memories when we focus on them. For example, when you look somewhere, your eyes see many things, like in this picture.
Your eyes will capture everything. These things are possible thoughts, but when you focus on a specific thing and read it or spend a moment on it, it becomes a thought and a memory. When I saw the image and focused on the Dell retailer, it became a memory.
These memories later create interest.
In childhood, there were many cartoons on TV, but we only loved the ones we used to watch, or the cartoons that came on after we came home from school.
Another example: a boy sees a fit man and observes he is fit because of his body. He stores this memory, and later, when he sees that every man with a good body goes to the gym, he stores that memory, too. Later on, a cluster of these memories becomes his interest.
Now let’s jump to AI. AI is developed by the human brain and based on how it works. Similarly, when developers fine-tune AI for specific data, they use a feedback method. They show lots of data and tell the AI what is right and what is not.
For example, if you provide an AI model with 200 pictures of animals, 100 dogs, and 100 cats, and tell it which one is a cat and which one is a dog, it will store that information or make a memory of it. Then, when someone shares a picture of a cat, it will answer “cat” based on its memories.
Our brain has a similar feedback model. We get 60,000 possible perceptions; we focus on some, but never with a conscious mind. If we use our activeness or conscious mind on focused thoughts, it will help us fine-tune our minds.
For example, if you want to stop a bad habit, use your conscious mind to stop it when you get a thought about that habit. You need to be very active in this; it will take time to become active, but it’s achievable. So, you focused on a thought and found out it’s a bad habit. Use feedback and stop there, then focus on another thought.
When you repeat this multiple times, your brain will be fine-tuned, and after a certain number of feedbacks, it will automatically stop the thought. Later on, it will be ignored in favor of another thought. This approach will help you stop bad thoughts.
You can also use this fine-tuning method to build good interests when you have thousands of possible thoughts. Focus on a good one with a conscious mind, and repeat this multiple times.
After a while, you will always be focused on those types of thoughts rather than other thoughts.
The next time you feel like your thoughts are running wild, remember this: you are in control. You can choose what you focus on. You can decide what kind of memories you want to create. You can shape your own brain, just like AI is being shaped by the feedback it receives.
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